Cultivate lemon in an advanced way

Cultivate lemon in an advanced way

Cultivate lemon in an advanced way

lemon uses, lemon health benefits, lemon benefits and side effects, lemon nutrition, medicinal uses of lemon, lemon water, lemon calories
Lemon cultivation is an important fruit crop. Lemon is cultivated successfully in various parts of India. Lemon is cultivated in India in major states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat,  Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Bihar as well as other parts of the country.
It is known worldwide for its pudding and juice. Various citrus fruits are used worldwide to make food or juices. In addition, lemon has many medicinal properties, everyone is familiar with it.

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Lemon cultivation is also beneficial for farmers. Farmers can earn better by cultivating lemon. Because there is a lot of demand for lemon in Indian markets. For this, how to cultivate lemon to the farmer brothers, it is very important to know the appropriate climate, land, varieties, disease prevention, yield. So that they can do lemon cultivation with advanced and modern technology. For this information, Kishan Bhai read the full article below, after reading it you can get the best yield of lemon.
Once planted a lemon tree, it can give fruit for about 25 to 30 years. A tree can grow up to 30 feet in height when fully grown.
When you plant lemon trees, make sure that there is enough distance between the two trees. If trees are planted nearby, they may have difficulty growing.

Climate for lemon cultivation

The winter and summer are favorable for citrus cultivation. In areas where water is dry or there is not much rain, lemon crop is well in such areas. In areas with high humidity and where there is excessive rainfall, due to disease and kit in such areas, its proper yield is not available.

ALSO READ THIS:-Papaya Cultivation

Suitable land

lemon uses, lemon health benefits, lemon benefits and side effects, lemon nutrition, medicinal uses of lemon, lemon water, lemon calories

Fertile and normal-sized loam soil with good drainage is considered ideal for citrus cultivation. The depth of the soil must be about 1 to 2 meters. There should not be a hard layer of soil or a depth of five feet from the rock bottom. The pH value of soil between 5.5 and 7 is considered appropriate.

How to grow lemon tree quickly?

Lemon tree takes a long time to grow. But if you take care of some things, the tree can give fruit quickly.

1.  While bringing lemon plant, keep in mind that you should buy at least 1 year old plant from nursery. Make sure that the leaves of the plant are green and there is no breakage in the plant. Actually 1 year old plant grows fast and does not require much care to grow. If you plant this tree in the spring, it will grow before winter.

2.  Plant a lemon tree in a place where the sun's rays fall straight. To protect the plant from animals, you can cover it from the side with mesh, but do not keep anything above.

3.  While planting lemon tree, clear the grass grown around there. Grass absorbs the necessary nutrients of the soil and does not allow the tree to grow well.

4.  After planting the lemon plant, fertilize it every month. Be aware that fertilizer contains nitrogen. Apply fertilizer every two months after one year.

5.  You add water regularly to the plant.

6.  When the lemon plant is small, do not break the green leaves from the plant. If you break the leaves, the tree does not grow well.

Major varieties

The commercially viable and hybrid varieties of citrus cultivation are as follows,

Kagdi- The fruits of this variety are 40 to 60 grams of small to medium height, round, paper-like thin peels, juices is very sour and has special types of sodam. The ripe fruit looks attractive due to yellowing.

Rangpur Lime- This variety of lemon is good especially in areas with high rainfall. There is a good variety to make sherbet. The fruits of Rangpur Lemon ripen late and to some extent act as Kagdi Lemon. Apart from this, this variety of plants is considered good for rooting.

Punjab Baramasi - Usually its branches touch the ground. Lemon fruit is yellow, round in shape, long and thin. Naturally the fruits are seedless and raspberry. Its average yield is 84 kg per tree.

Eureka - Its trees are semi-strong. Lemons are of yellow peeled color; juices are very strong and taste very good. Its fruits ripen in August.

Punjab Galgal- The tree is strong and has light green leaves. Its fruits are medium sized and oval. Its juice contains 8 to 10 seeds in acid and an acale fruit. Its fruits ripen from November to December. It yields an average of 80 to 100 kg per tree.

Pramalini - This variety grows in the lemon branch, and one bunch of it takes about 3 to 7 fruits. Pramalini Lemon gives up to 30% more yield than Kagji Lemon.

Chakradhar- This lemon does not contain seeds and about 65 percent juice comes out of its fruit. Pikem-1 is also one of the more productive varieties. About 50 percent juice is obtained from its fruits.

Rasraj - This variety has been developed by IIHR. Yellow fruits contain 70 percent juice and 12 seeds. Its sourness is 6 percent and the sugar content is about 8 bricks. This variety is resistant to scorching and leprosy of leaves.

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lemon uses, lemon health benefits, lemon benefits and side effects, lemon nutrition, medicinal uses of lemon, lemon water, lemon calories

Tea Kalikayan is the best method for amplification of these fruits. For this, the months of September to October are found to be very good.
Transplant the plants in their second nursery when they are one year old. At this time remove the weak, thin and diseased plants. Cut branches of the plant 15 to 20 cm in height. After selecting the plant, transplant 30 cm between two rows and 15 cm between two plants. Plants of about 60 cm height and more fibrous plants are considered good for transplanting at the age of two years.


Numerous researches for the cultivation of lemons has found that planting at a difference of 4.5 x 4.5 meters instead of 6 x 6 meters gives about twice as much yield as 6 x 6 meters. But by planting at a small margin, the economic yield stays around 15 years. For the cultivation of lemons, make pits measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm at a spacing of 4.5 x 4.5 meters, after allowing them to heat for 15 to 20 days in sunlight, there is an infestation of 25 kg cow dung per pit with soil and termites So Chlorpyriphos mixed 100 ml in 100 liters of water and after transplanting put 10 liters of mixture in the pit all around the plant.
Due to good rains from June to July, plant a healthy plant in the pit and press the land around it and irrigate lightly if needed. Support the stem to prevent the plant from falling in the wind and rain. Farmer brothers can also transplant according to the above process according to 6 x 6 meters.

Manures and Fertilizers

Farmer brothers should use fertilizer according to soil testing. If the test is not done, then in the cultivation of lemon, the small plant should be given rotten manure of dung as soon as it starts raining. Along with this, other fertilizers should also be used in balanced quantities, which is as follows:

Age of the plant year) Dung manure kg) Nitrogen(gram) Phosphorus(gram) Potash (gram)

First                   10                150           125               100
Second               20                300           250               200                        
Third                 30                450           375               300                         
Forth                 40                 600          500               400                           
Fifth and more 50                 750          625               500                           

Irrigation systems and intercrops

Roots are not very deep in lemon cultivation, so do regular light irrigation at short intervals. Give water immediately after sowing. In monsoon, rainy plants should be given water every 4 to 6 days at a time when there is no rain. Irrigate the old age plant at a difference of 10 to 12 days in winter and 7 to 8 days in summer.

Drip irrigation- If drip irrigation is started; keep 30 to 50 liters of water every day keeping in mind the weather and development of the plant. Keeping 4 drippers per plant, it is recommended to run 2 hours in January, 3 hours in February, 4 hours in March, 5 hours in April to June, 2 hours in July to September if it is not rainy and 3 hours in October to December. 
Inter crops - In the early years of planting, a lot of space is left between the plants. Some crops can be grown in this empty space, due to which the farmer may have some income in the initial years. The choice of crops for intercrops depends on the climate, soil, amount of rainfall and its distribution and irrigation facilities. The crops selected for this should be shallow rooted, quick ripening and good yielding. In addition, these crops have the ability to prevent soil erosion and water. These crops should not be competitive with the trees for water and nutrients. Among the useful crops, papaya, strawberry, vegetables, fodder crops and pulses are notable. Avoiding heavy crops in the garden should be avoided.

Weed- Intermediate 2-3 times a year to keep the soil soft and crisp. Make good soil infiltration at least, so that the root is not damaged and tillage also reduces diseases and kits. Remove weeds and dig around 3 to 4 plants.

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Harvesting pruning and flowering outside

Harvesting Pruning - Lemon harvesting is not done for pruning, flowering and fruiting but to give them desirable shape. The extra branch that grows very quickly should be cut. Similarly, any erosion that comes out of the root should be removed. All the clogged, dry or diseased branches should be cut and cut apart. Therefore, to give desirable shape to the plants, they should be well pruned from the very beginning, so that they do not cause any erosion of about 60 to 90 cm from the ground level. A major trunk develops up to this height and later three to five major branches are produced on it. After this, there is facility in composting, watering and other occasional activities to the plants.

Flowers outside- If special treatment has not been done at a particular time in the lemon crop, then only 20 percent of the total yield of the whole year can be found in the summer. When the demand for lemon is high in the summer and the prices are also good. In such circumstances, if you change the time of flowering of lemon crop, you can earn more profit by taking more yields in summer time.

Fruit harvesting

Lemon should be harvested only when it is ripe. Sour lemon plants bear fruits many times a year, and its fruits take about 6 months to be ready. When the fruit ripens from green to yellow color, then its weeding is started. While plucking the fruit, special care should be taken that the stems and leaves along with some part of the fruit are also broken so that there is no damage to the skin peel.

Benefits of lemon cultivation

There are many benefits to cultivating lemon.

·      The most important thing is that you get lemon fruit from it. Lemon fruit is very important for health.

·      Lemon is used for health, skin etc. Apart from this, lemon is also used in food and drink.

·      If you are cultivating lemon on a large scale, you can also trade by selling lemon.

·      In today's era, there is a lot of demand for lemon in the market. This is the case because more and more people are giving importance to natural things. For this reason, lemon is being used in food and beauty things.

·      Lemon prices in the market are also increasing day by day. This is because the demand for lemon is high and supply is low.

·      Large quantities of lemons are also exported from India to other countries. This is because India is a good place for lemon cultivation.

·      If you cultivate lemon once, you can benefit from it for a long time.

·      The biggest benefit of lemon cultivation is that its trees last 25 to 30 years.


In the cultivation of lemon, small fruits are grown after 1 year,
 By the age of 2 to 3 years, lemon tree starts growing a good amount of lemon fruit, and every year from 4 to 5 years of age, 50-80kg fruits are obtained from the plants.

Costs and Benefits in Lemon Farming -

 When it comes to the economics of lemon farming, profits always depend on market demand and yield times. Especially those who get the initial crop, they can get good profits. Now we calculate the cost and profit of cultivation of 1 acre of lemon.

Number of plants in one acre - 350

Production from a plant (2nd year) -30kg
           4 year & after-80kg
Total production - 350 plant * 30kg = 10,500 kg
Price in the market - 40 rs / kg
Total production (rs) -10500kg * 40rs = 4, 20,000rs /Acre.

lemon uses, lemon health benefits, lemon benefits and side effects, lemon nutrition, medicinal uses of lemon, lemon water, lemon calories

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Papaya Cultivation

Papaya Cultivation

Papaya Cultivation


 Botanical Name - Kerica Papaya | Papaya is an important member of the Caricaceae family.
Papaya is a very nutritious and beneficial fruit. Farmers can also cultivate papaya alone or in an empty space between guava, mango, plum and lemon trees. Papaya can also be grown in the courtyard of the house. One and a half years after planting papaya, it starts bearing fruit. Less time, less area, less cost, higher yields and more income.

Papaya is healthy and rich in vitamin A. Papaya tropical is found in America.

Papaya is the shortest fruiting tree, so anyone likes to plant it, papaya is not only easy to grow, but is also a quick fruit, it is healthy and popular, hence it is nectar It is also called Ghat, papaya contains many digestive enzymes, and by consuming its fresh fruits, long-term sickness can also be overcome.


Papaya can be cultivated in a hot humid climate. It can be grown at a maximum temperature of 38 ° C to 44 ° C, should not be less than 5 ° C minimum, and papaya is severely damaged due to frost. To avoid these, windproof trees should be planted in the north west of the field, if there is a possibility of frost, and then in the last hour of the night, the field should be smoked and irrigated.
papaya-cultivation, papaya-Agriculture


Papaya cultivation is good if the land is fertile and in which drainage is good, papaya should never be planted in a field that is full of water. Because the water is full, there is a possibility of collar rot disease in the plant; papaya should not be cultivated even in deep soil.

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Land preparation

 The field should be well plowed and the ground gradient is excellent, a long, wide, deep pit should be made at a depth of 2 x 2 meters, in these pits 20 kg of cow dung manure, 500 grams of super phosphate and 250 grams of murate Potash should be mixed with soil and filled at least 10 days before planting.


Pusa Majesty and Pusa Giant, Washington, Solo, Coimbatore, Honeydew, Kunghanidue, Pusa Dwarf, Pusa Delicious, Ceylon, Pusa Nanha, etc. are the main varieties.
papaya-cultivation, papaya-Agriculture,papaya-Seeds


One hectare requires 500 gm to one kg of seed, papaya plants are prepared by seed, planting 2 plants per pithe in a hectare will take 5000 thousand seedlings.

Time and method of application

Papaya saplings are prepared first in saplings, saplings should be planted in the pre-prepared pits in June, July, where there is proper arrangement for irrigation, papaya saplings can be planted from September to October and February to March.

Transplanting in nursery

By this method, the seed is first 15 to 20 cm from the ground surface. In the higher beds, the distance of the queue is 10 cm, and the distance of the seed is 3 to 4 cm. When planting, keep the seeds 1 to 3 cm. should not be sown at a depth greater than 20 to 25 cm. Once it is high, then 2 plants should be planted per pit.

Preparation method of plant polythene bag

20 cm Wide-mouthed, 25 cm. Long and 150 cm. The polythene bags with holes should be taken. In these bags, a mixture of cow dung, soil and sand should be made, the top of the bag is 1 cm. Part should not be filled, there should be 2 to 3 seeds per bag, soil should always have enough moisture when the plant is 15 to 20 cm. Once it is high, then it should be carefully cut from the bottom of the bags by a sharp blade and put it in the previously prepared pits.

Manures and Fertilizers

A plant needs 250 grams of nitrogen, 250 grams of spur and 500 grams of potash throughout the year, dividing it into six equal parts and giving fertilizer and fertilizer at a difference of every 2 months, mixing the fertilizer and soil in the soil) Should be irrigated by giving. This mixture should not be given to male plants and to such plants, which have to be removed after 4 to 6 months.

Stripping of male plants

Papaya plants start flowering within 90 to 100 days and male flowers grow in small bunches with long stems. Flowers 1 to 1.3 m on male plants. Are long and short on the trunk. For every 100 female plants except 5 to 10 male plants, the remaining male plants should be uprooted. Female flower yellowish 2.5 cm they are long and close to the stem.

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Water, irrigation and irrigation

Irrigation should be done at a difference of 4 to 7 days in summer and 10 to 15 days in winter, irrigate immediately after warning of frost; there should be no damage to roots and stem.

Break the beans

After 9 to 10 months of planting, the fruits become pliable. The color of the fruit changes from dark green to light yellow and if water and liquid comes out of the milk due to nails on the fruit, it should be understood that the fruit has ripened. The beans should be broken carefully. Fruit pruning must be done in short stages.

Plant protection

Outbreaks of pests like mites, aphids and fruit fly have been observed on them. Its control should be administered at the rate of 1 liter of metacystax drug per hectare and second sprinkling with a difference of 15 days. Do not allow water near the stem to protect plants from foot and stem rot disease. In the area where the disease is there, one should fill the bodo paste with a knife. To control the powder mill, sprinkle sulfur dust 30 grams per 10 liters of water at an interval of 15 days

Yield and economic benefits

The production of papaya per hectare is 35-40 tonnes. If the cost is also estimated to be Rs 1500 / ton, then farmers will get Rs 34000.00 per hectare. Will get a net profit of Rs.
Take care- If the farmer brothers do not prepare the plants themselves, then take the plants with reliable facts from a reliable and certified nursery, and take the plantation place for 15 to 20 days before planting, keeping the plants from the environment there. Time to become aware.

papaya-cultivation, papaya-Agriculture,papaya-Seeds
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Organic pesticides

Organic pesticides

Organic pesticides

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Organic Pesticides
Most farmers use chemical pesticides and medicines to prevent pests in their crops, which harm not only the environment but also our health. But if farmers use organic pesticides and medicines in its place, then it will not only affect the environment and our health, but will also save the money of the farmer, because farmers can easily prepare it in their own home.

If you want to prepare pesticides for fruit plants, then you can make them in these ways

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Necessary ingredients-

1.  20 liters should be the urine of any domestic cow.
2.  Grind about two and a half kilos (may be half a kilo or more) of neem leaf or nimboli in 20 liters of urine and mix the sauce.
3.  Similarly, there is a second leaf, Dhatura leaf. Add about two and a half kilogram of Dhatura leaf chutney to it.
4.  There is a tree which is called Aak or Statistics, in Ayurveda it is called Arkamdar. Its leaves also take about two and a half kilos and make a sauce and mix.
5.  Belpatri, whose leaves you offer to Lord Shankar. Add two or two kilograms of chutney to Belpatri or Vilvapatra's address.
6.  Half a kilo to 750 grams of tobacco powder and pour. Add 1 kg of red chilli powder to it

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1.  Take leaves of these five-six kinds of trees; you take two and a half kilos.
2.  Grind them and put 20 liters of desi cow in the boil, boil it and let it cool and after cooling, fill it in a plastic drum. It is never bad. This pesticide is ready.

Method of use

Now how to put it?

Add 15 times the amount of pesticide you will take in fruit plants. If you take one liter of pesticide, then 15 liters of water. Estimate the amount of pesticide you are ready; add 15 times its water. How much should be mixed with 1 liter in 15 liters water and sprayed on the whole plant

The result of spraying it is that within two to three days, the crop you sprayed, the insects and animals will not be visible to you, insects and animals are all completely finished in two-three days, finished. Go. So effective it is prepared by making pesticides. It is hundreds of times more powerful than the pesticides of big foreign companies and is very focal; there is no cost to make. Desi Gaumata's urine is available for free, Neem leaves, Nimboli, Aak leaves, Peach leaves - all kinds of leaves are available in every village for free. So you use it as insecticide, as insecticide.

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Benefits from organic pesticides

1.  Being a product based on flora and fauna, organic pesticides get decomposed in the soil in about a month and no part of them remains. This is the reason why they are known as circumstantial friends.
2.  Organic insecticides kill only targeted pests and diseases, while the insect pests also destroy the friendly insects.
3.  The use of organic pesticides does not produce tolerance and resistance in pests / diseases whereas the use of many chemical pesticides is causing resistance in pests due to which their use is becoming unusable.
4.  The use of organic pesticides does not change the biological nature of insects, whereas the use of chemical pesticides has reflected such symptoms. The white fly has now started damaging many crops and gram borer.
5.  Beans, fruits, vegetables can be harvested and used immediately after the use of organic pesticides while waiting for a few days to reduce the residual effects of chemical pesticides.
6.  Due to the safe, harmless and environmental friend of organic pesticides, the demand and prices of tea, cotton, fruits, vegetables, tobacco and food grains, pulses and oilseeds produced by their use in the world is increasing, which results in farmers Their products are getting more value.
7.  Due to the toxic and harmless of organic pesticides, the possibility of suicide in rural and urban areas has been reduced due to their use, whereas many self killings are being done due to pesticide chemicals.
8.  Organic pesticides are safe and harmless for the environment, humans and animals. The use of these promotes organic farming, which helps in maintaining the balance of environment and conditions.
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Pesticides Poisoning




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There has been a lot of change in the way of irrigating crops over time from the old to the modern times. In the old times, due to the absence of resources, it was very difficult for the farmers to irrigate the crops and irrigated with bends, rahats and dhekuli, then in the present day irrigation system has become much easier and farmers Irrigation with solar pumps, tube wells etc. Despite this, the crops of farmers are dependent on rain water due to lack of proper irrigation system in all areas even today. The total area of ​​India is 328 million hectares, of which 16.2 million hectares (51 percent) is currently cultivated on land. Whereas about 4 per cent of the land is pasture, 21 per cent is forest and 24 per cent is without any use (barren). The 24 percent wasteland also includes 5 percent wasteland, in which the crop is sown every year for the third or fifth year, so that the land can become fertile in future. Adequate irrigation facility is available on only 28 percent (4.5 crore hectares) of this net sown area, while the entire irrigated area of ​​the country is 8 crore hectares. Thus, agriculture done on about 72 percent of the total agricultural land depends on rainfall.

Drip Irrigation System

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Drip Irrigation System
Drip system is an advanced method of irrigation, using which substantial savings of irrigation water can be made. This method can be adopted for most crops according to the type of soil, slope of the field, source of water. The use of this method is growing rapidly all over the world. The drip irrigation technique will prove to be very effective to reduce the limited water resources and increasing water requirement and environmental problems day by day. The drip irrigation technique is the best method for successfully growing commercial crops in areas where land is expensive and difficult or impossible to cover. The drip system is a high frequency irrigation system in which water is fed around the plant area. Water can be given to the plant as required by drip irrigation. Fertilizer savings of up to 30-40 percent by drip irrigation, water savings up to 70 percent.

Sprinkler irrigation

irrigation definition, irrigation meaning, irrigation types, surface irrigation, irrigation medical, methods of irrigation, small farm irrigation systems, drip irrigation, irrigation sprinkler, importance of irrigation
Sprinkler Irrigation
Fountain irrigation is a method by which water is sprayed into the air and this water falls on the surface of the land in the form of artificial rainfall. Water spraying is achieved by pressure in a small nozzle or orifice. Water pressure is also obtained by the pump. Since artificial rainfall is done slowly, there is neither water logging nor soil suppression. This maintains the best ratio of land and air and seedlings also sprout quickly.
This is a very popular method by which about 30-50 percent of water can be saved. It is being used in about seven lakh hectares of land in the country. This method is used on sandy soil, high ground and where there is less water available. By this method, the expenditure on irrigation is reduced on irrigation and diseases are also reduced.

Surface irrigation system

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Surface Irrigation System
Most of the arable areas in India receive surface irrigation. The main among this is the distribution of water in the field by drains from the canals and water is spread in the field from one side. In this system, there is a lot of water loss when the field is not properly prepared. If the field is supported then water can be saved in this system also. Nowadays, farmers can level their fields with laser technology. This increases water use efficiency. Consequently, the yield of crops increases.

Rengan Irrigation System
 irrigation definition, irrigation meaning, irrigation types, surface irrigation, irrigation medical, methods of irrigation, small farm irrigation systems, drip irrigation, irrigation sprinkler, importance of irrigation
Rengan Irrigation System
After 'drop-drop' and 'fountain technology' for irrigation in the fields, now Rengan has come, which irrigates for 20 to 60 meters like natural rain. It can irrigate more area with less water. This micro sprinkler set is very useful for vegetable and pulses crops, due to which it is irrigated by rainy drops like two and a half meters in diameter.
Rengan, with 20, 40 and 60 m propagation capacity, is a new means of irrigation of crops. It is erected in the irrigated part of the field at an angle of 45 to 180 degrees with the help of a stand. Its other end is connected to the pump set’s water supply pipe. As the water pressure rises in Rengan, it irrigates the crop by removing water like raindrops around a radius of 100 feet from the fountain in its upper part. The irrigation of the field is done with less than half the time and water than other means of irrigation. Diesel and electricity are also saved by taking less time. A three-inch submersible pump can run three Rengan simultaneously. The cost of planting Rengan in 1 hectare varies from 20 to 30 thousand rupees according to the capacity in which the central and state governments together give 50 to 80 percent grant. To get this, farmers can contact the horticulture or agriculture department with their land ownership certificate, identity card.

Canal irrigation

 irrigation definition, irrigation meaning, irrigation types, surface irrigation, irrigation medical, methods of irrigation, small farm irrigation systems, drip irrigation, irrigation sprinkler, importance of irrigation
Canal Irrigation
Canals are the most important means of irrigation in the country and more than 40 percent of the agricultural land is irrigated. Most of the canals of our country have been developed in the vast plains of the north and the areas of the coastal delta, because their construction depends on the continuous supply of flat land and water.

Wells and tube wells

 irrigation definition, irrigation meaning, irrigation types, surface irrigation, irrigation medical, methods of irrigation, small farm irrigation systems, drip irrigation, irrigation sprinkler, importance of irrigation
Well and tube wells
The wells have been constructed in most of those areas, where clay loam is found, because water from it flows into the ground and gets stored as ground water. Three types of wells are used in irrigation and drinking water works in the country.

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 Raw wells, pucca wells, tube wells

 Most of the country's irrigated land is irrigated by wells in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Here, about 50 percent of the land is irrigated by wells and sewage. In addition to these states, the states of Haryana, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka also irrigate wells and tube wells. In the first plan period, the number of tube wells in the country was only 3,000, which has now increased to around 57 lakhs. Tamil Nadu has the most tube well pump sets in the country, while Maharashtra ranks second. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of tube wells. In the last two decades, its circulation has increased in Punjab and Haryana. Apart from this, other states with major tube wells are Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat.

Pond irrigation

 irrigation definition, irrigation meaning, irrigation types, surface irrigation, irrigation medical, methods of irrigation, small farm irrigation systems, drip irrigation, irrigation sprinkler, importance of irrigation
Pond Irrigation
 Both natural and artificial ponds in the country are used for irrigation. Most of the irrigation is done by them in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in insular India. This is followed by South Bihar, South Madhya Pradesh and South Eastern Rajasthan, where both natural and artificial ponds are found. 9 percent of the total irrigated area of ​​the country is irrigated by ponds. Tamil Nadu irrigated by ponds is the highest in India.

Irrigation from dhekuli

 irrigation definition, irrigation meaning, irrigation types, surface irrigation, irrigation medical, methods of irrigation, small farm irrigation systems, drip irrigation, irrigation sprinkler, importance of irrigation
Irrigation of  Dhekuli
Dhekuli irrigation was a traditional irrigation system. The most accessible means of extracting water from wells was Dhenkul, a structure that works on the principle of levers. In this, the stem of a thin Y-shaped tree is buried directly near the well in the ground and a long bamboo or wood is balanced on it. At one end of this bamboo or wood, a lump of clay is imprinted and tied with a rope at the other end, hang a kund (vessel of water from the well) and take it inside the well and pull the water up.

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 Mines irrigation

 In areas where there were no other resources to irrigate the crops, the farmers used to dig a well near their fields and put a machine called iron reht in it and irrigate their crops. But gradually the number of wells also decreased. A source of irrigation became far away from the Rehat farmers. Somewhere this machine is seen even today.


In olden times where irrigations were made from ponds or lake water, fetters were required. In this, two people tie a large container made of bamboo or other wood with a rope and pull water from the pond and drain it into the drain.

Solar pump irrigation

Irrigation with solar pumps is a new method, which requires neither electricity nor any fuel. It consists of a motor that draws water from the ground and has solar panels to run it, which generate energy from the sun's rays and run the machine from it.
Solar pump irrigation

Solar pump irrigation

Organic Farming

Organic Farming

Organic Farming

The word that is most discussed in the budget of 2019-20 is zero budget farming. Zero budget or zero cost farming. In the budget, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the government will promote zero budget farming. Earlier, the new government had talked about promoting the development of Subhash Palekar, the father of zero budget farming.
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Subhash Palekar 
Know who Subhash Palekar is and what his zero budget natural farming is

Subhash Palekar is discussed today from the agricultural universities of the country and abroad. A few years ago no one could think that without buying any goods from the market and without cost, farmers can earn more profit from their farming? Subhash Palekar has shown this by doing this. Originally from Amravati district of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, Subhash Palekar is called the father of zero cost agriculture in the country. He is in Lucknow to train farmers. Talking to the village connection, Subhash Palekar said, "After completing his Bachelor of Agriculture, he farmed as a farmer in his village from 1973 to 1985, but did not increase production even after doing modern and chemical farming. Then there was a worry. ”Subhash Palekar says that when production did not increase even after putting enough input in the field, he asked his agricultural teacher to diagnose it. Put increasing told to stay. After this, he went to the jungles to solve it. Going into the forest, a question arose in his mind that green forests are standing without human help, who is putting chemical fertilizer to nourish them here? When they cannot stand without chemical fertilizer, then why not our farm? Based on this, I started research on farming without cost.

Subhash Palekar said that after 15 years of intensive research, he had developed a method, which was named zero cost natural agriculture. He started training farmers to propagate this method. He said that for the last 20 years, he has not only been training in the cultivation of zero cost natural agriculture, not only in the country but also abroad. Today, by adopting this method, millions are earning profits by increasing their income from farming without cost. 
Subhash Palekar books, Subhash Palekar workshop, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, Subhash Palekar training schedule 2019, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, organic farming benefits
Subhash Palekar 5 layer model

Giving this contribution of Subhash Palekar in the country's agriculture, the Government of India honored him with the Padma Shri in 2016. The Chandrababu Naidu government of Andhra Pradesh has made him the agricultural advisor of his state and has also announced the creation of a zero cost natural agricultural university.
Recognized as an agricultural sage among farmers, Subhash Palekar spends most of his time in farmers' training camps. The most important thing is that he gives free training to the farmers. Subhash Palekar is an agricultural scientist as well as editor. He has also edited the agricultural journal from 1996 to 1998. He has also written more than 15 books in many languages ​​including Hindi, English and Marathi. Students of IIT Delhi are also doing research on “Jeevamrit”, a geo-nutrient developed by Subhash Palekar. Listening to Subhash Palekar and watching his videos on YouTube, a large number of youth are leaving their careers and returning to farming.
Subhash Palekar books, Subhash Palekar workshop, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, Subhash Palekar training schedule 2019, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, organic farming benefits
Subhash Palekar workshop

Modi government's ZERO budget farming

On 5 July 2019, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the first budget of Narendra Modi Government 2.0. In the budget speech, Nirmala Sitharaman announced several steps to improve the economic condition of the farmers. In which he said about Zero Budget Farming. In such a situation, let us know what the benefit of zero budget farming and farmers is.

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First of all, let us tell you, Zero Budget Farming does not use any modern measures like pesticides, chemical fertilizers and hybrid seeds. This type of farming is done entirely with natural resources.
The purpose of zero budget farming is to get the farmers out of the debt trap. Where farmers find themselves trapped. Simultaneously, it is also an attempt to make small scale farming a viable business.
Let me tell you, in many states, farmers are in huge debt due to rising agricultural costs due to expensive seeds, and inaccessible markets. They will benefit from doing this kind of farming.
With zero budget farming, farmers use manure and other things made by them. In which there is no need to use any kind of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. At the same time, whatever crop is grown with this technique is very beneficial for health because no chemical substances are used to grow it.
Subhash Palekar books, Subhash Palekar workshop, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, Subhash Palekar training schedule 2019, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, organic farming benefits
Subhash Palekar training 

Farmers will get this benefit from zero budget farming

  1.   Zero budget farming is completely natural farming. Whatever farmers use this technique in farming, they do not need any kind of chemical materials.
  2.  Due to which it takes less time to do farming. At the same time, due to less cost, farmers get more profit on crops.

Increase in crop yield

Crops yield is very good with zero budget farming. If you think that this technique reduces the yield of crops in farming, then it is not so at all.
In Zero Budget farming, all the work of irrigation, plowing and plowing is done with the help of oxen. Because of which it does not require any type of diesel or fuel vehicles, which saves a lot.

How Zero Budget Farming Started in India

The first Zero Budget farming in India was first started from Karnataka state of South India. After which, this farming gradually became famous among the farmers of other states.
This farming was started in the state of Karnataka by Subhash Palekar in association with the State Farmers of La via Campesina.
Subhash Palekar books, Subhash Palekar workshop, Subhash Palekar 5 layer model, Subhash Palekar training schedule 2019
Subhash Palekar books