Organic pesticides

Organic pesticides

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Organic Pesticides
Most farmers use chemical pesticides and medicines to prevent pests in their crops, which harm not only the environment but also our health. But if farmers use organic pesticides and medicines in its place, then it will not only affect the environment and our health, but will also save the money of the farmer, because farmers can easily prepare it in their own home.

If you want to prepare pesticides for fruit plants, then you can make them in these ways

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Necessary ingredients-

1.  20 liters should be the urine of any domestic cow.
2.  Grind about two and a half kilos (may be half a kilo or more) of neem leaf or nimboli in 20 liters of urine and mix the sauce.
3.  Similarly, there is a second leaf, Dhatura leaf. Add about two and a half kilogram of Dhatura leaf chutney to it.
4.  There is a tree which is called Aak or Statistics, in Ayurveda it is called Arkamdar. Its leaves also take about two and a half kilos and make a sauce and mix.
5.  Belpatri, whose leaves you offer to Lord Shankar. Add two or two kilograms of chutney to Belpatri or Vilvapatra's address.
6.  Half a kilo to 750 grams of tobacco powder and pour. Add 1 kg of red chilli powder to it

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1.  Take leaves of these five-six kinds of trees; you take two and a half kilos.
2.  Grind them and put 20 liters of desi cow in the boil, boil it and let it cool and after cooling, fill it in a plastic drum. It is never bad. This pesticide is ready.

Method of use

Now how to put it?

Add 15 times the amount of pesticide you will take in fruit plants. If you take one liter of pesticide, then 15 liters of water. Estimate the amount of pesticide you are ready; add 15 times its water. How much should be mixed with 1 liter in 15 liters water and sprayed on the whole plant

The result of spraying it is that within two to three days, the crop you sprayed, the insects and animals will not be visible to you, insects and animals are all completely finished in two-three days, finished. Go. So effective it is prepared by making pesticides. It is hundreds of times more powerful than the pesticides of big foreign companies and is very focal; there is no cost to make. Desi Gaumata's urine is available for free, Neem leaves, Nimboli, Aak leaves, Peach leaves - all kinds of leaves are available in every village for free. So you use it as insecticide, as insecticide.

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Benefits from organic pesticides

1.  Being a product based on flora and fauna, organic pesticides get decomposed in the soil in about a month and no part of them remains. This is the reason why they are known as circumstantial friends.
2.  Organic insecticides kill only targeted pests and diseases, while the insect pests also destroy the friendly insects.
3.  The use of organic pesticides does not produce tolerance and resistance in pests / diseases whereas the use of many chemical pesticides is causing resistance in pests due to which their use is becoming unusable.
4.  The use of organic pesticides does not change the biological nature of insects, whereas the use of chemical pesticides has reflected such symptoms. The white fly has now started damaging many crops and gram borer.
5.  Beans, fruits, vegetables can be harvested and used immediately after the use of organic pesticides while waiting for a few days to reduce the residual effects of chemical pesticides.
6.  Due to the safe, harmless and environmental friend of organic pesticides, the demand and prices of tea, cotton, fruits, vegetables, tobacco and food grains, pulses and oilseeds produced by their use in the world is increasing, which results in farmers Their products are getting more value.
7.  Due to the toxic and harmless of organic pesticides, the possibility of suicide in rural and urban areas has been reduced due to their use, whereas many self killings are being done due to pesticide chemicals.
8.  Organic pesticides are safe and harmless for the environment, humans and animals. The use of these promotes organic farming, which helps in maintaining the balance of environment and conditions.
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Pesticides Poisoning



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