Zero Budget Natural Farming

Zero Budget Natural Farming


Earth has so much potential that it can meet the needs of all, but it is not able to fulfill anyone's greed ………….
Sixteen coming of Mahatma Gandhi, keeping true to this sentence, if zero budget is natural cultivation, then the farmer neither has to sell his produce at a quarter of a price nor is there any complaint of low yield. But the farmer who cultivates gold on our earth is falling prey to greed.
After chemical farming in this country with an agro-based economy, now many more like organic farming including eco-friendly farming, agro ecological farming, biodynamic farming, alternative farming, perpetual agriculture, sustainable farming, live farming, earth farming, panchgavya, dashagavya agriculture and nadep agriculture Types of methods are being adopted and related experts have been claiming its success.

Also Read:-Green revolution

But the farmer is confused. Circumstances are pushing him towards greed. He does not know what is right for him? After chemical farming, he now sees organic agriculture. But more affordable than organic farming, simple and combating global warming (rising temperature of earth) is considered as "Zero Budget Natural Farming".
Zero Budget Natural Farming,  Natural Farming
Natural Farming

 What is Zero Budget Natural Farming?
Zero budget natural farming is based on cow dung and cow urine. A farmer can cultivate zero budgets on thirty acres of land from cow dung and cow urine. Jivamrit, Ghanjivamrit and Sage Bijamrit are made from cow dung and urine of indigenous species. Use of these in the field leads to an increase in the nutrients as well as biological activities in the soil. Jeevamrita can be sprayed once or twice a month in the field, while bijamrita is used to treat seeds. The farmer cultivating this method does not have to buy any kind of manure and pesticide chemicals from the market. Water and electricity for irrigation of crops is also spent at ten percent compared to the existing cultivation.

Successful example

Weekly spraying of cow dung and cow urine solution made from cow is done as fertilizer and also does not decrease the fertility of the land. While on one hand there is a quality yield, on the other hand, the cost of production is almost zero. Kansingh Katrathal, an experimental farmer of Sikar district in Rajasthan, has achieved encouraging success by doing natural farming in his field. According to Mr. Singh, earlier he used to do chemical and organic farming, but natural cow farming and cow urine based Zero Budget natural farming is proving more beneficial.
According to Subhash Palekar of Maharashtra, the architect of natural farming, what is being written and said in the name of organic farming is not correct. Organic farming is also dangerous than chemical farming and is proving to be toxic and expensive. He says that chemical farming and organic farming are an important compound in global temperature rise. Referring to vermicompost, he says ... It is a method imported from abroad and chemical cultivators have been attracted to it firstly, because they have become aware of the effect of urea on the natural fertility of the land.


Environmental impact

According to agricultural scientists and its experts, vermicompost and cow dung are applied in the field before sowing the crop and 46 percent of the volatile carbon contained in it is released from the fertilizer during the 36 to 48 degree Celsius temperature in our country. . Apart from this, nitrous, oxide and methane are also released and help in building greenhouse in the atmosphere. December to February is only three months in our country, when the temperature is favorable for the use of the said fertilizer.
Zero Budget Natural Farming
Zero Budget Natural Farming

 Imported earthworm or homegrown earthworm?
Mr. Palekar, who considers the imported earthworms used in vermicompost manure to be harmful to the fertility of the land, says that in fact, there is no symptom of indigenous earthworms. This imported animal is not a earthworm but a wild animal named Iisenia fitida, which eats wood matter and cow dung on the ground. Whereas the native earthworm found in our soil and along with it the germs and bacteria present in the soil which causes damage to crops and plants, converts them into manure. At the same time, it keeps going up and down in the ground, due to which there are numerous holes in the ground, due to which the circulation of air and rain water gets replenished. In this way, native earthworm is the best carrier of water management. Also does the plow work of plowing the field?

Also Read:-(What is irrigation?) सिचाई क्या है ?

Start of success

Zero budget natural farming is different from organic farming and is capable of combating and preventing global warming and changes in the atmosphere. The farmer using this technique is also free from the hassle of debt. According to the information received, so far about 40 lakh farmers in the country have been connected with this method.
Zero Budget Natural Farming, farming in India, importance of farming, farming definition, farming games, organic farming, types of farming, how to start farming
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